Because, honey has an antibacterial property, no microorganisms can live and multiply in it. In “apitherapy” named as treatment by bee products developed rapidly in the whole World in recent years; honey, too, is being used in addition to bee venom, propolis, royal jelly and pollen.
The Proteins in Honey
Nitrous substances are present in rates of approximately 0,3% and 1% in flower honey types and honeydew honey types, respectively. Nitrous substances coming out high in flower honey types shows that these are mixed with honeydew honey types. Determining the proteins in the honey bears significance in respect of whether the honey is natural or artificial and in terms of nutrition.
Although honey is not a foodstuff rich in proteins, it possesses an amino acid source rich in number. Proteins are formed when the molecules we call amino acid and comprised of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen atoms come together in line next to each other like string of beads. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.
Approximately 17 amino acids have been determined in honey. While tyrosine and triptophane are present in dark color honey types, these haven’t been detected in light color honey types. It has been reported that quantitavely in honey what mostly are present are proline, lysine and glutamic acid, respectively. Hystidine, arginine, treonine, serine, glycine, valine, methionine, leucine, alanine, phenylalanine, follow these.
The Vitamins in Honey
While in the past the dominant thought was that no vitamins or very few vitamins are present in honey, as result of the chemical and biologic researches carried out in recent years; it has been detected that some various vitamins are present in honey. While vitamin A is not present in honey, group B vitamins (B1, B4) and vitamins C, E and K are present in honey. Thiamine, riboflavine, ascorbic acid, pyridoxine (B6) pentothenic acid (B5) nicotinic acid (B3) niasin biotin and folic acid have been detected in various quantities in honey.
In the research they made Watt and Merril; reported vitamin B1 in trace amount in honey, vitamin B2 as 0,4 mg. and vitamin C at a level of 10 mg. During filtering process the honey may lose most of these vitamins. So, that’s why the process must be done very carefully.
The Mineral Substances in Honey
Amount of mineral substances in honey; exhibits changes between 0,02% - 1,0%. Inside honey; potassium, calcium, posphorus are mostly found whereas, sodium, chlorine, sulphur, magnesium, silisium, manganese, copper, iodine iron and zinc are present in lesser amounts.
The minerals present in honey which is a rich source of minerals; are potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium oxide (CaO), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), chlorine (CL), posphorus (P), sulphur (S), silica (SİO2) and raw silica. And, mineral substances present in trace amount; are chromium (Cr), lithium (Li), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb) tin (Sn), zinc (Zn), osmium (Os), beryllium (Be), vanadium (V), zirconium (Zr), silver (Ag), barium (Ba), galium (Ga), bismuth (Bi), aurum (Au), germanium (Ge) and strontium (Sr).